SEAHENGE: A JOURNEY (ISBN 9780955686047) is currently in print as a hardback book. It can be bought from the Publisher, KAILPOT PRESS on Amazon. Link to Amazon Book Store.
Note: Other sellers might list the book, but only Kailpot Press has new copies which are shrink-wrapped. When you get to the page, click on NEW to find copies sold by Kailpot Press.
A specially produced e-Book version of Seahenge, with the poetry read by Kevin Crossley-Holland is now available from the Apple Book Store. (ISBN 9780955686061)
Note: At the present time Kindle devices do not support 'Read-aloud' books which is why it is only available from the Apple Store. A sample of the book is also available for free download.
Link to the Apple Book Store
At the present time pictures are only available to buy at the exhibitions. The reason for this are that even with the best reproduction of colours or monochrome, computer screens can not match the look and feel of the picture as the vast majority of the images in the Seahenge collection have been printed on handmade paper. Each piece of paper is unique and needs to be viewed 'live'.